Glenn Stovall's Public Notebook

Coined by Swyx, the idea that you should learn in public by creating content and sharing what you learn. When you do this, you teach yourself better, as well as helping others.

Working out in the open helps you connect with like-minded people. Imagine it as working with the garage doors up.

Working in public helps you build more capital, in the form of social capital. As Patrick MacKenzie puts it:

This digital garden is an example of the practice. By putting my notes out into the world I'm forced to refine them into something that's useful not just for me, further helping me refine these thoughts.

learning in public helps with experimentation and working identities. It allows you to try out ideas and see what resonates.

Examples of Learn in Public Content

  • making of, behind the scenes content
  • "how we solved X" > "how to solve X"

Further Reading